Take the route of joy
and connection
to your daughter`s wedding.

The stress makes it seem impossible?
Welcome to a new possibility!
A new reality.

Mazel Tov

Your daughter is engaged! It’s mega exciting!
And oh, so overwhelming!
Hall, flowers, photographers, musicians, gown, sheitels
Suddenly, you’re sucked into an endless whirlwind of
appointments, shopping sprees, and late night talks.
But it’s not all glitz and glamor.
The kallah is in her own bubble, the children complain you’re never home,
and the mechutanim are upset about xyz. The stress grows.
And you secretly begin to wonder why it’s called a simchah!

It does not have to
be that way

Get prepared for your daughter’s wedding
emotionally, practically, and hashkafically,
so you can celebrate with utmost joy and peace of mind.

Gain invaluable hashkafah
on the spiritual richness
of this milestone.
Get emotional support
and tools to make the most
of this special time.
Get a clear roadmap
for the myriad
practical preparations.

Arrive at the wedding empowered, present and connected.
Connected to yourself. Connected to your daughter.
Connected to your guests.
Connected to Hashem.

Gain invaluable hashkafah
on the spiritual richness
of this milestone.
Get emotional support
and tools to make the most
of this special time.
Get a clear roadmap
for the myriad
practical preparations.

Arrive at the wedding empowered, present and connected.
Connected to yourself. Connected to your daughter.
Connected to your guests.
Connected to Hashem.


My name is Rachel Schreiber

Originally from Belgium, I now have the zechus to live in Yerushalayim
with my husband and five children.
I speak Hebrew, English, Yiddish, French, Flemish and some Italian too
(thanks to my husband from Lugano and his sisters!).
I am also the very lucky grandmother of four adorable grandchildren.

In my work as a certified life coach,
I was asked by women to guide them through the preparations to their child’s wedding.
I was dismayed to hear mothers, overwhelmed with stress,
saying they can’t wait for this to be over!
I was saddened that women were so pressured by the preparations;
that they were disconnected from the “simchah” aspect of the simchah!
Having the zechus to escort your daughter to the chuppah is an incredible experience
where you can reach intense joy and connection to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
But the anxiety that often comes along with the preparations
overshadow this unique opportunity.
I want you, the mother of the bride, to access the full kaleidoscope of emotions
and feel centered at the same time.
I want to help you make the most of this special time.
Now more than ever, you need to be focused, calm and present.

your daughter deserves it.
your family deserves it.
Most of all, you deserve it

What you get

Three personal meetings
(in-person or Zoom). Each session covers three areas:  practical, emotional, and spiritual.


  • The power of your tefillah
    and gratitude
  • The essence of being a baalas simcha
  • The opportunity for
    moments of closeness
    to Hashem


  • Connect to the `mother` in you in a unique way
  • Coaching cards to facilitate inner connection
  • Tools to help you relax
    and refocus


  • Free 50-page
    wedding guide with practical advice
  • Important checklists
  • Time management tips

Personal guidance provided through Email or WhatsApp,
throughout the engagement period

To take part in this plan
you can enroll now for $800 $600

“Rachel gave me tools to enjoy the process.
I loved the Hashkafah part
and going through all the technical things together
enabled me to feel connected to the simcha joyfully.”


“I couldn't think of finding the time and energy to meet with Rachel,
but when I was told by other clients what I will gain,
I realized it's a must.
I obtained clarity of mind
which led to the most beautiful experience.
It truly is a must.”


“I realized how many pent up emotions are
connected to different practical issues.
Rachel was a calm anchor
in this very intense and overwhelming period .”


You’ll get to the wedding either way.
It’s in your hands to choose how you’ll get there.

the wedding

the wedding

the wedding

the wedding

Plan in a focused, organized,
way – and still get more than
a few hours of sleep

Calmly juggle your family

Handle your kallah’s jitters
with confidence
and empathy

Navigate the
with grace and astuteness

the wedding

Host your guests in a
gracious, loving manner

Revel in the exalting moments
of the Chuppa

Share your abundance
and Simcha with your
family and friends

Create everlasting memories
for years to come

the wedding

Feel gratified and grateful for
such a beautiful simchah

Draw koach from the
simchah to continue carrying
on your responsibilities
Be an attentive, present
mother for your young
couple and the rest
of the family

Now is the time
to enjoy

Feel gratified and grateful for
such a beautiful simchah

Draw koach from the
simchah to continue carrying
on your responsibilities
Be an attentive, present
mother for your young
couple and the rest
of the family

Now is the time
 to enjoy the Nachas

Host your guests in a
gracious, loving manner

Revel in the exalting moments
of the Chuppa

Share your abundance
and Simcha with your
family and friends

Create everlasting memories
for years to come

Plan in a focused, organized,
way – and still get more than
a few hours of sleep

Calmly juggle your family

Handle your kallah’s jitters
with confidence
and empathy

Navigate the
with grace and astuteness

Looking forward to holding your hand
during this wonderful journey

All rights reserved to Rachel Schreiber